Hey guys,
I'm damz. I sold my wii a while ago, and wanted to play Twilight Princess again.
the wii version is 4gb, the GC version is 1gb. I chose GC.
..Now, here's the thing.
I can open up TP, load up my save slot..
and i get 22.x fps. On the lowest settings, with 1 frameskip.
Now, we change these settings to 1440x900 res, 4x AA, 16x AF, 1 frameskip and get...
19.x fps.
I mean seriously, WTF? shouldn't it drop down to like 3fps or something?
2.53ghz C2D 45nm
4gb DDR2 800mhz
ATI Radeon 3650 512mb (overclock 15%)
Those settings are enough to run OoT on P64, and pkmn platnium on no$gba. At the same time, with neither getting any lag.
I cannot comprehend how the gamecube TP can possibly use so much power as to rend my 4 month old laptop slower than a 9 year old piece of technology..
I'm damz. I sold my wii a while ago, and wanted to play Twilight Princess again.
the wii version is 4gb, the GC version is 1gb. I chose GC.
..Now, here's the thing.
I can open up TP, load up my save slot..
and i get 22.x fps. On the lowest settings, with 1 frameskip.
Now, we change these settings to 1440x900 res, 4x AA, 16x AF, 1 frameskip and get...
19.x fps.
I mean seriously, WTF? shouldn't it drop down to like 3fps or something?
2.53ghz C2D 45nm
4gb DDR2 800mhz
ATI Radeon 3650 512mb (overclock 15%)
Those settings are enough to run OoT on P64, and pkmn platnium on no$gba. At the same time, with neither getting any lag.
I cannot comprehend how the gamecube TP can possibly use so much power as to rend my 4 month old laptop slower than a 9 year old piece of technology..