Hello,i am trying to use a demo from the tool which was developed with the wiimotion plus : LiveMove2 which i download legally and freely from their website before the web was down for could mod the input from games which use them (as Wii Sport Resort ,..)
it was create for being use with a oficial sdk BUT it has 3 tools which doesnt need it for working,being one the one i need for the mods:
two compilated demos :
1) LiveMove2/demo/balloonPop provides a convincing example of
LiveMove's classification prowess in more realistic settings.
2) LiveMove2/demo/trackerDemoGame demonstrates LiveMove 2's tracking
and the tool for recording the data : "lmRecorder.elf"; This is the program which is executed on the NDEV for recording the movement and send to the pc using a serial port.It connect with "lmHostIO.exe" which receive the data on the pc and the program convert and create the clasifiers.
i have tried on Dolphin and they doesnt work : it seems the program need the extra hardware which NDEV kit hardware has : serial port,more ram and being able to load the program from the sdcard.
If someone could implement them to be able to run this program would be amazing;as i said my goal is add more mini-games to wii sport resort and other mods of games which were created with this wonderfull tool.
As i said they are no need to use oficial Nintendo Sdk code nor tools : i only want could test it and create/mod new movements for adding to the games which already has implemented them
Thanks for everything!
Here is the full file,i can no upload as attachment because it said is too big (as i said it is legal)
it was create for being use with a oficial sdk BUT it has 3 tools which doesnt need it for working,being one the one i need for the mods:
two compilated demos :
1) LiveMove2/demo/balloonPop provides a convincing example of
LiveMove's classification prowess in more realistic settings.
2) LiveMove2/demo/trackerDemoGame demonstrates LiveMove 2's tracking
and the tool for recording the data : "lmRecorder.elf"; This is the program which is executed on the NDEV for recording the movement and send to the pc using a serial port.It connect with "lmHostIO.exe" which receive the data on the pc and the program convert and create the clasifiers.
i have tried on Dolphin and they doesnt work : it seems the program need the extra hardware which NDEV kit hardware has : serial port,more ram and being able to load the program from the sdcard.
If someone could implement them to be able to run this program would be amazing;as i said my goal is add more mini-games to wii sport resort and other mods of games which were created with this wonderfull tool.
As i said they are no need to use oficial Nintendo Sdk code nor tools : i only want could test it and create/mod new movements for adding to the games which already has implemented them
Thanks for everything!
Here is the full file,i can no upload as attachment because it said is too big (as i said it is legal)