I really love this emulator - well my kid does anyway, we run it on a new HTPC I just built under the TV and the wii is sitting next to it.
I've noticed a few irritants such as the wiimote's deciding to lose connection during a game, this then crashes Dolphin but I expect there to be some issues.
Playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 works flawlessly so far - only another 100 or so games to try out.
I actually had more issues with Super Mario World (rendering graphics properly) - DX11 appears to have more issues than DX9.
Overall very impressed, an amazing feat folks - lets hope the future is a long one for this emulator - keep up the good work, you don't know how much people appreciate it!!!
I've noticed a few irritants such as the wiimote's deciding to lose connection during a game, this then crashes Dolphin but I expect there to be some issues.
Playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 works flawlessly so far - only another 100 or so games to try out.
I actually had more issues with Super Mario World (rendering graphics properly) - DX11 appears to have more issues than DX9.
Overall very impressed, an amazing feat folks - lets hope the future is a long one for this emulator - keep up the good work, you don't know how much people appreciate it!!!