This happens for every single dolphin revision that I have downloaded. Be it loading the game or clicking on the graphics button to mess with the settings but it crashes. I've googled so many times but I found nothing. It used to work perfectly fine then all of a sudden it decided not to work anymore. This is what I get in the exceptioninfo:
Unhandled Exception
Code: 0xC0000005
Call stack info:
0xE6B7556B : ?
0x0055E320 : ?
Dolphin!0x0177E11E : ?
Unhandled Exception
Code: 0xC0000005
Call stack info:
0x00000024 : ?
Dolphin!0x0145BC17 : ?
Unhandled Exception
Code: 0xC0000005
Call stack info:
0xE6B7556B : ?
0x0055E320 : ?
Dolphin!0x0177E11E : ?
Unhandled Exception
Code: 0xC0000005
Call stack info:
0x00000024 : ?
Dolphin!0x0145BC17 : ?