So I have noticed this problem over the year i've used the dolphin, over various versions, 32 and 64 bit, regardless.
As an example of how fast audio should be, go to the menu screen on SSB Melee and scroll up or down. (another instance would be to play Metroid Prime, shoot a power beam and hear the audio delay compared to the visual queue of the bullet coming out of the gun) Make a click noise as you tap your controller and hear how long it takes the audio to register.
Also, use DInput over DSL as this is the faster form of button input for Controller settings.
With XAudio and latency at 0, DSP fast emulator, native res (doesn't affect delay), default graphic settings, using SSD or HDD regardless:
Audio delay is about .2 to .3 seconds after i hear the tap on my controller.
Now, here's the weird solution: when I exit the game, change from OpenGL to direct3d9 or vice versa, theres a small chance (only happened 1/8 tries) that the audio delay gets RESET and the delay becomes only .05 to .1 seconds, which is not noticeable.
This fast audio reaction phase only lasts for about 20 seconds until my game freezes(a stutter) for less than a second, with the game resuming. That is exactly when my audio delays back to .3 to .4 seconds for the rest of the game running.
The options that might reset the audio delay to go back to normal briefly:
changing from OpenGL to Direct3d9 or 11 (1 of 8 tries it went back to normal)
I'm curious as to why no one has mentioned this, the delay is an awful feedback for me.
For anyone wondering if my audio driver is the issue, it is not, as my button clicks outside of Dolphin are in sync with my audio, can't even guess the delay, maybe 2 to 40milliseconds. Also using direct sound driver on my motherboard, no PCIE soundcard, no laggy drivers installed or USB soundcards to cause lag (by the way the steelseries USB soundcard I had a year ago causes .2 seconds of lag, don't get those).
Also, I'm using a 120 Hz monitor where visual delay is not an issue, infact helps see the delay between visual and audio queues.
So, if my game stutters once, the audio gets desynched/delayed. I'm going to guess something in the code causes this to happen, maybe something gets overloaded/ something gets dumped / something about the cache de-synching the audio?
So I have noticed this problem over the year i've used the dolphin, over various versions, 32 and 64 bit, regardless.
As an example of how fast audio should be, go to the menu screen on SSB Melee and scroll up or down. (another instance would be to play Metroid Prime, shoot a power beam and hear the audio delay compared to the visual queue of the bullet coming out of the gun) Make a click noise as you tap your controller and hear how long it takes the audio to register.
Also, use DInput over DSL as this is the faster form of button input for Controller settings.
With XAudio and latency at 0, DSP fast emulator, native res (doesn't affect delay), default graphic settings, using SSD or HDD regardless:
Audio delay is about .2 to .3 seconds after i hear the tap on my controller.
Now, here's the weird solution: when I exit the game, change from OpenGL to direct3d9 or vice versa, theres a small chance (only happened 1/8 tries) that the audio delay gets RESET and the delay becomes only .05 to .1 seconds, which is not noticeable.
This fast audio reaction phase only lasts for about 20 seconds until my game freezes(a stutter) for less than a second, with the game resuming. That is exactly when my audio delays back to .3 to .4 seconds for the rest of the game running.
The options that might reset the audio delay to go back to normal briefly:
changing from OpenGL to Direct3d9 or 11 (1 of 8 tries it went back to normal)
I'm curious as to why no one has mentioned this, the delay is an awful feedback for me.
For anyone wondering if my audio driver is the issue, it is not, as my button clicks outside of Dolphin are in sync with my audio, can't even guess the delay, maybe 2 to 40milliseconds. Also using direct sound driver on my motherboard, no PCIE soundcard, no laggy drivers installed or USB soundcards to cause lag (by the way the steelseries USB soundcard I had a year ago causes .2 seconds of lag, don't get those).
Also, I'm using a 120 Hz monitor where visual delay is not an issue, infact helps see the delay between visual and audio queues.
So, if my game stutters once, the audio gets desynched/delayed. I'm going to guess something in the code causes this to happen, maybe something gets overloaded/ something gets dumped / something about the cache de-synching the audio?