Hi, I'm new here and wish to report a bug. If this is not the correct site for this, please correct me.
Was building Dolphin from source in VS2019 and came across build errors due to the use of the function std::result_of which is deprecated in newer versions of C++. I was able to work around the issue by modifying the source code myself and replacing all instances of the deprecated function with std::invoke_result, related StackOverflow page here.
Happy to provide more information as needed. This issue affects compilation of all Config versions (Release/Debug, x64/ARM64), and I am building on Windows. Hoping to save someone the trouble of debugging this down the line!
Was building Dolphin from source in VS2019 and came across build errors due to the use of the function std::result_of which is deprecated in newer versions of C++. I was able to work around the issue by modifying the source code myself and replacing all instances of the deprecated function with std::invoke_result, related StackOverflow page here.
Happy to provide more information as needed. This issue affects compilation of all Config versions (Release/Debug, x64/ARM64), and I am building on Windows. Hoping to save someone the trouble of debugging this down the line!