Basically, I go into the emulator's controller setup, and do that whole thing. It reads the controller just fine, lets me set up all the buttons and sticks and whatnot. No trouble doing that at all. I save the profile.
Go into the game, and.... it literally ignores ALL of that. It's as if I did nothing, as if the controller was never set up or outright doesnt exist.
Check the setup menu again to see if it reset somehow... nope, it's all still there.
Back into game... still totally ignoring all of it.
So.... any way to fix this? I've tried everything and frankly at this point I'm about ready to just delete the whole thing (again).
Go into the game, and.... it literally ignores ALL of that. It's as if I did nothing, as if the controller was never set up or outright doesnt exist.
Check the setup menu again to see if it reset somehow... nope, it's all still there.
Back into game... still totally ignoring all of it.
So.... any way to fix this? I've tried everything and frankly at this point I'm about ready to just delete the whole thing (again).