I'm looking for someone who owns a working Logitech Speed Force Racing Wheel for GameCube and can run some tests. I want to investigate adding the force feedback feature that F-Zero GX uses. If you have one, pm me or send a gmail to skidau.
Anybody own a Logitech Speed Force Racing Wheel for GameCube?
Sorry but I have to ask. Your implying that the actual GC hardware supports a force effect out side of rumble? The reason I ask is the GC controller data packet does not have this type of information. I develop a GC adapter and if what your are implying is true, there must be a GC wheel out there that uses the force effect in that game. Thus, the data packet must exits and that I'm interest in quite heavily. My implementation of FFB ( PID ) supports this effect and if dolphin kicks it out I can pass that info to my controller. So now you got me wondering.
I may be able to help watch for FFB values coming over the usb if you like? I have used fEdit ( direct X app ) to check such a things. If my assumption about what you are saying is correct and there is FFB data in there. what wheels do this? this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intec-Nintendo-G...25721b0198 or this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/GAMECUBE-RACING-...2c66e14738 Did Nintendo make one, or just Logitech for that specific game? I do see that Logitech wheel http://www.ebay.com/itm/GC-GAMECUBE-LOGI...416793c882 a bit out side my range. main page Working controllers [url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tGD-U_eW1Rc7rNyqkpgJuIg&output=html][/url] 07-26-2012, 12:12 AM
Yeh, according to this press release, the Logitech Speed Force Racing wheel is the only GameCube wheel that supports true force feedback.
Here is a youtube demonstration of the wheel with the game. It is also said to work well with Burnout and Burnout 2. Amazon has the wheel for $50 odd. I'm guessing the game detects the wheel via it's ID and then sends the force feedback data to it. It's possible to reverse engineer the game to work that out, but I'm lazy.
it must send it in the normal packet, I'm staring to think they are hi-jacking the memory pack data to do it. I'd like to work with you on this one. I'll try to get a wheel. I know where the ID data lives so I can check for that and yes I agree. My guess is the wheel supports forcing CCW and CW, possibly even rumble.
Quote:"We expect that many gamers will also want the Accessory Pack for Speed Force, which will help create an excellent, arcade-like driving experience at home."Well that didnt go well LOL. info I dug up. 0x0800 ? GC Steering Wheel 0x0500 ? N64 Controller So yeah the wheel should return 0x0800. I took the plunge and bought one. If any one wants to buy it from when when I'm dont with it PM me. main page Working controllers [url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tGD-U_eW1Rc7rNyqkpgJuIg&output=html][/url]
Maybe hold off on buying the wheel for now. I entered the controller ID info into Dolphin and the game detected a "Speed Force" wheel.
Oops, too late. I see you have already ordered one. The next step would be to find a test screen where the game will move the wheel to the left and right and at different strengths/speed. 07-29-2012, 10:02 PM
I needed one for my adapter to test with anyways.
main page Working controllers [url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tGD-U_eW1Rc7rNyqkpgJuIg&output=html][/url] 07-30-2012, 09:51 AM
Do you have F-Zero GX? If so, would you take some videos for me where both the steering wheel and the screen are visible? I would like to see the wheel calibration screen where you move the wheel from full lock to full lock. The other thing to see is when the game starts with the Sega/Nintendo logo - the game sends a signal to the wheel at that point which might be a calibration and centering signal. Finally, another video in race where you let go of the wheel and the wheel turns by force feedback either by colliding into a wall or another racer bumps into you.
07-30-2012, 09:55 AM
As soon as I get this contraption I will report back.
main page Working controllers [url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tGD-U_eW1Rc7rNyqkpgJuIg&output=html][/url]
Well first off it seems the wheel does not detect on my adapter. So I'll have to figure that out first.
Also remember that the only way to send data to the device is through my firmware. Its not a passive device as no adapters aren't also ( none to be exact ). Though my device does use DX force feedback. So when the game sends a signal you could take that signal and turn it in to a Force Feedback command of sorts, as that is the only way for dolphin to communicate to a HID device. Now if your thinking that is wrong I complete agree with you! The better option is for you to have a drop down selection in dolphin for the user to select wheel and that drop down tells the game its attached. Later on of course you will want to send the right type of Force to jult the wheel. If you do see a code, please let me have the hex value so I can send it to the controller from my firmware. It may help me a bit. The controller is also missing a power adapter and no indication on the controller what type of voltage it wants, so that may be a problem. ahh--- http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Steering-W...td-p/33828 main page Working controllers [url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tGD-U_eW1Rc7rNyqkpgJuIg&output=html][/url] 08-06-2012, 09:57 AM
I have attached a log from F-Zero PAL from boot until the intro demo. The unknown commands that the game sends to the wheel are logged where it says "unknown SI command" and "unknown direct command" with the command in hex.
At a guess, the command "0x300680" means to center the wheel. Have you had any luck in getting a power adapter? I believe all Logitech Force Feedback controllers of that time used the same adapter. My Driving Force Pro and Force 3D Pro both use a 24v/0.75A adapter. |
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