Related to the changes in pixelshader
All games run in black screen in the latest build
04-10-2016, 08:56 PM
Thank you for also bisecting this issue, so it was easy to find the issue, but could you please also upload the broken shader here?
Fixed in
#version 310 es
#define FORCE_EARLY_Z layout(early_fragment_tests) in #define SAMPLER_BINDING(x) layout(binding = x) precision highp float; precision highp int; precision highp sampler2DArray; precision highp sampler2DMS; #define float2 vec2 #define float3 vec3 #define float4 vec4 #define uint2 uvec2 #define uint3 uvec3 #define uint4 uvec4 #define int2 ivec2 #define int3 ivec3 #define int4 ivec4 #define frac fract #define lerp mix //Pixel Shader for TEV stages //1 TEV stages, 1 texgens, 0 IND stages int idot(int3 x, int3 y) { int3 tmp = x * y; return tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z; } int idot(int4 x, int4 y) { int4 tmp = x * y; return tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z + tmp.w; } int iround(float x) { return int (round(x)); } int2 iround(float2 x) { return int2(round(x)); } int3 iround(float3 x) { return int3(round(x)); } int4 iround(float4 x) { return int4(round(x)); } int itrunc(float x) { return int (trunc(x)); } int2 itrunc(float2 x) { return int2(trunc(x)); } int3 itrunc(float3 x) { return int3(trunc(x)); } int4 itrunc(float4 x) { return int4(trunc(x)); } SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp[8]; layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform PSBlock { int4 color[4]; int4 k[4]; int4 alphaRef; float4 texdim[8]; int4 czbias[2]; int4 cindscale[2]; int4 cindmtx[6]; int4 cfogcolor; int4 cfogi; float4 cfogf[2]; float4 czslope; float4 cefbscale; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 pos; float4 colors_0; float4 colors_1; float3 tex0; float4 clipPos; }; out vec4 ocol0; in float4 colors_0; in float4 colors_1; in float3 uv0; in float4 clipPos; void main() { float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord; int4 c0 = color[1], c1 = color[2], c2 = color[3], prev = color[0]; int4 rastemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), textemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), konsttemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0); int3 comp16 = int3(1, 256, 0), comp24 = int3(1, 256, 256*256); int alphabump=0; int3 tevcoord=int3(0, 0, 0); int2 wrappedcoord=int2(0,0), tempcoord=int2(0,0); int4 tevin_a=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_b=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_c=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_d=int4(0,0,0,0); float4 col0 = colors_0; float4 col1 = colors_1; int2 fixpoint_uv0 = itrunc(uv0.xy * texdim[0].zw); // TEV stage 0 rastemp = iround(col0 * 255.0).rgba; tevcoord.xy = fixpoint_uv0; textemp = iround(255.0 * texture(samp[0], float3((tevcoord.xy).xy * texdim[0].xy, 0.0))).rgba; tevin_a = int4(int3(0,0,0), 0)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255); tevin_b = int4(textemp.rgb, textemp.a)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255); tevin_c = int4(rastemp.rgb, rastemp.a)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255); tevin_d = int4(int3(0,0,0), 0); // color combine prev.rgb = clamp((((tevin_d.rgb)) + (((((tevin_a.rgb<<8) + (tevin_b.rgb-tevin_a.rgb)*(tevin_c.rgb+(tevin_c.rgb>>7)))) + 128)>>8)), int3(0,0,0), int3(255,255,255)); // alpha combine prev.a = clamp((((tevin_d.a)) + (((((tevin_a.a<<8) + (tevin_b.a-tevin_a.a)*(tevin_c.a+(tevin_c.a>>7)))) + 128)>>8)), 0, 255); prev = prev & 255; int zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0); zCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF); ocol0 = float4(prev) / 255.0; } 1:70: S0001: Type mismatch in arithmetic operation between 'ivec2' and 'vec2' All bad_ps_0000.txt says the same. |
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