Basically what has happened is that I've run into a bug, and found found it was already reported a while ago. The only problem is that the bug received little attention at the time, and from the comments I don't think any attempts have been made to fix it. Before anyone gets mad at me, Im not here to complain to the devs or anything stupid like that, but rather I'm here to ask this question:
When in the situation I'm in, what should I do? I want to be respectful of the devs, but I fell like the issue will never be fixed if it isn't brought to their attention. So should I just wait? Is there a good way of letting the devs know? It looks like the bug will never be fixed as is, its been in the "new" status for almost a year now.
I can provide details about the bug/ my system if you need them, but I decided to not put them in the first post because I'm not reporting the bug, but rather asking a question about the bug fixing process.
Thanks for any help!
When in the situation I'm in, what should I do? I want to be respectful of the devs, but I fell like the issue will never be fixed if it isn't brought to their attention. So should I just wait? Is there a good way of letting the devs know? It looks like the bug will never be fixed as is, its been in the "new" status for almost a year now.
I can provide details about the bug/ my system if you need them, but I decided to not put them in the first post because I'm not reporting the bug, but rather asking a question about the bug fixing process.
Thanks for any help!