All users must accept and abide by the following rules when posting in these forums:
Warez/downloading games talk is prohibited and frowned upon. To prevent legal issues, you may not post links or refer to any kind of NAND, BIOS, ISO, game, or other copyrighted material that has been illegally obtained or shared. If any post like that is found, the thread containing it will be closed and further support will be revoked. Stating that you've downloaded a game will get you banned immediately, no matter if you purchased the game or not. Asking where to find or download games will get you banned immediately. Providing where to download games will get you banned immediately. You must legally dump/rip your own games, NAND, BIOS, etc.
When creating new threads about Dolphin, always provide your full PC specs (CPU, RAM, GPU, Operating System), information about the Dolphin build used (version/revision, source, etc), Dolphin settings and detailed description of what you're trying to do (e.g including the name of the game you tried to run and a screenshot/video of the issue if necessary). Ignoring this rule will get your thread closed and have you warned off. If you don't have your PC specifications in your profile yet, please take the time to do that.
Reporting Piracy: We're not investigating/searching for reasons to ban. Asking too many questions, like, "where did you get the game", is no one's business. Not knowing how to dump a game is not an admission of guilt. If a user mentions downloading, they get banned. If a user doesn't mention it, nothing happens, and we then all assume they own the game. Do not harass forum users or report them unless they admit to downloading illegal content.
Forum Etiquette:
Old Dolphin builds: Users are free to use any build that they like, but we do not recommend the use of builds older than the latest stable release. Older builds have missing features and issues with games that would be fixed by using the latest stable release or the current GIT builds from master branch. We ask that you please refrain from recommending old builds to forum users; only the latest stable build or newer is supported on the forums.
Regarding custom builds: We ask that users do not post about unofficial builds in other threads unless it can specifically solve an issue that the official builds cannot. You're free to talk about these custom builds in a dedicated thread, but do not advertise these builds all over the forum. If any build should be recommended, especially to new users, it should be from the official build bot here. Do not post or link to custom builds that do not provide access to their source code. Such builds violate the GNU General Public License under which Dolphin and derivatives must be distributed. Such content will be removed immediately.
Necroposting: In the "Dolphin Emulator Discussion and Support" and "Dolphin Site" subforums, do not revive a discussion older than 6 months unless your post adds something meaningful or otherwise contributes to the thread. Please create a new thread about your subject instead. Stickied threads and all other subforums are exempt, however, and users can freely post there regardless of how old the topics are.
Explicit Content: You may not post or display any content (images, text, videos) that is sexually explicit or erotic, i.e. content whose sole purpose is arousal. Questionable content involving nudity (art, memes, etc) must be contained within a spoiler tag and labeled as NSFW.
User Accounts: Users may only have one active account at a time. Alternate, duplicate, or multiple active accounts will be permanently banned from the forums.
Permanent Bans: Permanent bans are issued for the most severe infractions of the Global Forum Rules. These users may not view or post in threads at all. Some permanently banned accounts may be reactivated under Forum Staff's discretion depending on the user's situation. Any permanent ban issued in error will be revoked.
URL Policies: Do not link to anything (e.g. websites, videos, apps) that violates any of the above rules. Additionally, you may not link to any site or service that contains harmful, malicious, or intrusive content such as (but not limited to) invasive/deceptive ads, adware, or malware.
First and foremost, breaking a rule related to piracy will result in immediate two month ban of your account (sometimes permanent, depending on the severity), and likely the deletion of the infringing thread/post.
For every rule violation, a warning will be issued. When you reach 100% (10 points) warning level, you will be automatically and permanently banned from the forums. For specific offenses such as Backseat Moderating, Ignoring Forum Rules/FAQs, Flaming/Trolling, Crossposting and Off-Topic Talk, warning levels are raised by 20% (2 points). Other cases may incur anywhere from 1 to 10 points depending on their severity.
Warnings expire after 1 month. Your current warning level is viewable next to every post or your User CP. Notification of warnings will show up in your PM box.
Posting Permissions
To prevent users from incorrectly posting threads, some forums require users to have a certain number of posts before they can make new topics. The threads in these forums need to follow set templates, therefore only users that have been active in the community are granted permission to post new threads.
Currently active on the following forums:
Gamecube, Wii, Wii Misc, Triforce - Users must be in the "Above and Beyond" group (1000+ posts)
HD Texture Projects - Users must be in the "Advanced User" group (50+ posts)
Delfino Plaza - Users must be in the "Somewhat Advanced User" group (10+ posts)
The forums in Game Support already have threads for every game. That is why new users are not allowed to make new threads there. Please look up an existing thread and post there if you have questions.
Additionally, to avoid spamming, users with less than 50 posts are restricted to a maximum of 25 posts per-day, and they may only edit posts made within the past 24 hours. These restrictions do not exist for users with 50 or more posts. Users with less than 10 posts have their signatures disabled.
Posts in Delfino Plaza (off-topic section) do not count towards your post count.
All users must accept and abide by the following rules when posting in these forums:
Warez/downloading games talk is prohibited and frowned upon. To prevent legal issues, you may not post links or refer to any kind of NAND, BIOS, ISO, game, or other copyrighted material that has been illegally obtained or shared. If any post like that is found, the thread containing it will be closed and further support will be revoked. Stating that you've downloaded a game will get you banned immediately, no matter if you purchased the game or not. Asking where to find or download games will get you banned immediately. Providing where to download games will get you banned immediately. You must legally dump/rip your own games, NAND, BIOS, etc.
When creating new threads about Dolphin, always provide your full PC specs (CPU, RAM, GPU, Operating System), information about the Dolphin build used (version/revision, source, etc), Dolphin settings and detailed description of what you're trying to do (e.g including the name of the game you tried to run and a screenshot/video of the issue if necessary). Ignoring this rule will get your thread closed and have you warned off. If you don't have your PC specifications in your profile yet, please take the time to do that.
Reporting Piracy: We're not investigating/searching for reasons to ban. Asking too many questions, like, "where did you get the game", is no one's business. Not knowing how to dump a game is not an admission of guilt. If a user mentions downloading, they get banned. If a user doesn't mention it, nothing happens, and we then all assume they own the game. Do not harass forum users or report them unless they admit to downloading illegal content.
Forum Etiquette:
- Be civil and polite when posting. Keep swearing, cursing, and profanities to a minimum.
- No flaming/harassment of other members. We want to keep our forums friendly. If you have an issue with a member, ask an administrator/moderator to help or resolve it yourself via PM.
- Do not threaten others in any way. Describing violent acts against anyone is absolutely unacceptable.
- No spamming, off-topic posts. We will not tolerate posts that are either irrelevant to a thread's subject or to a forum's subject. Before posting, please try to find the forum that is most fit for your thread.
- No crossposting. Posting the same message to multiple threads will clutter the forum and is not allowed. Duplicate threads will be closed.
- This is an English only forum, please do not post in any other language.
- Do NOT send a message to an administrator/moderator unless it is of importance. No "hello" messages.
Old Dolphin builds: Users are free to use any build that they like, but we do not recommend the use of builds older than the latest stable release. Older builds have missing features and issues with games that would be fixed by using the latest stable release or the current GIT builds from master branch. We ask that you please refrain from recommending old builds to forum users; only the latest stable build or newer is supported on the forums.
Regarding custom builds: We ask that users do not post about unofficial builds in other threads unless it can specifically solve an issue that the official builds cannot. You're free to talk about these custom builds in a dedicated thread, but do not advertise these builds all over the forum. If any build should be recommended, especially to new users, it should be from the official build bot here. Do not post or link to custom builds that do not provide access to their source code. Such builds violate the GNU General Public License under which Dolphin and derivatives must be distributed. Such content will be removed immediately.
Necroposting: In the "Dolphin Emulator Discussion and Support" and "Dolphin Site" subforums, do not revive a discussion older than 6 months unless your post adds something meaningful or otherwise contributes to the thread. Please create a new thread about your subject instead. Stickied threads and all other subforums are exempt, however, and users can freely post there regardless of how old the topics are.
Explicit Content: You may not post or display any content (images, text, videos) that is sexually explicit or erotic, i.e. content whose sole purpose is arousal. Questionable content involving nudity (art, memes, etc) must be contained within a spoiler tag and labeled as NSFW.
User Accounts: Users may only have one active account at a time. Alternate, duplicate, or multiple active accounts will be permanently banned from the forums.
Permanent Bans: Permanent bans are issued for the most severe infractions of the Global Forum Rules. These users may not view or post in threads at all. Some permanently banned accounts may be reactivated under Forum Staff's discretion depending on the user's situation. Any permanent ban issued in error will be revoked.
Selling & Advertising:
First and foremost, breaking a rule related to piracy will result in immediate two month ban of your account (sometimes permanent, depending on the severity), and likely the deletion of the infringing thread/post.
For every rule violation, a warning will be issued. When you reach 100% (10 points) warning level, you will be automatically and permanently banned from the forums. For specific offenses such as Backseat Moderating, Ignoring Forum Rules/FAQs, Flaming/Trolling, Crossposting and Off-Topic Talk, warning levels are raised by 20% (2 points). Other cases may incur anywhere from 1 to 10 points depending on their severity.
Warnings expire after 1 month. Your current warning level is viewable next to every post or your User CP. Notification of warnings will show up in your PM box.
Posting Permissions
To prevent users from incorrectly posting threads, some forums require users to have a certain number of posts before they can make new topics. The threads in these forums need to follow set templates, therefore only users that have been active in the community are granted permission to post new threads.
Currently active on the following forums:
Gamecube, Wii, Wii Misc, Triforce - Users must be in the "Above and Beyond" group (1000+ posts)
HD Texture Projects - Users must be in the "Advanced User" group (50+ posts)
Delfino Plaza - Users must be in the "Somewhat Advanced User" group (10+ posts)
The forums in Game Support already have threads for every game. That is why new users are not allowed to make new threads there. Please look up an existing thread and post there if you have questions.
Additionally, to avoid spamming, users with less than 50 posts are restricted to a maximum of 25 posts per-day, and they may only edit posts made within the past 24 hours. These restrictions do not exist for users with 50 or more posts. Users with less than 10 posts have their signatures disabled.
Posts in Delfino Plaza (off-topic section) do not count towards your post count.